Independence Day

It's here again, The Fourth of July!
Another of my favorite holidays.
Well its not formulating a get together for distant relatives.....
It's not scrambling indoors with a plate of burnt hot dogs in a sudden downpour.....
It's not seeing Uncle Joe drink to many Crown and Cokes and make a fool of himself....
What is it?
How many today really understand it?
My perspective.....
Freedom first from a tyrannical oversea government. From the repression of individual liberties. From being taxed to death for the benefit of others. From busting your ass and receiving no personal gain.
Basically serfdom.
How many today can even fathom the concept of basically being held captive in life?.
Maybe a few scoundrels in the Corrections Institutions, and their prisoners....
How about Freedom of speech?
With all of todays "Political Correctness" most people walk and talk around on pins and needles.
I say F that.
I shall speak my mind.
I will call a Spade a Spade.
It is my Freedom.
Freedom to own Personal Property. Your own sanctuary.
Freedom to defend it with your Second Amendment rights.
Thanks to Ronald Reagan, Freedom from conscription,yet the Freedom to go to hot spots around the world and kick ass. If you so choose.
Freedom to pursue happiness. Freedom to prosecute those who would have it taken away.
What happened to that concept?
Now for the celebration.
Sitting close to those you love,
Gazing longingly at the heavens above,
Soon to burst with Thunder and Lightning,
Man made exhilaration, exciting.
The cool summer grass under your seat,
When do they start the children repeat,
Bright flowers open to all's delight,
Reports declare the 4th of July tonight.
God Bless America.