Building (another) Empire

OK after what seemed like a painful eternity, Commodore Libby Gone is back. Commerce has been slow so a new Rail Line must be constructed. First the wilderness must be grappled with. A fresh coat of paint on the walls and floor will suffice for now. As time and finances permit, a finished basement will encompass the Empire. I have sent a letter to Congress explaining how my Railroad is bankrupt and dismantled looking for BILLIONS in bailout funds. I think they will understand, as Sen. Clinton has RAILROADED a lot of people in her day.
I will chronicle the ever expanding Empire as someday I wish to compile the diary into my memoirs.
Luckily my Locomotives and Rolling stock (all my collection) survived the Government takeover precipitated by my former partner. Soon freight and passengers will enjoy the scenery as they are transported from towns and villages to the Big City.
I absolutely have to thank all my great friends and family who generously helped me in the retrieval of my Railroad Empire.
Let the fires be lit in the bellies of those magnificent Steamers!
Best of luck on your new enterprise...and Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas to you and all of my friends and family. My son who answered the phone when you called is THANKFULLY right next to me now. Happy Christmas all, thank you for being there for me this year! I like the emphasis on CHRIST !
Now THAT's what I'm talking about!
--Adam Savage
Hey Libby, God's Blessings on you and yours this Christmas. Health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. May you lay 1000 miles of track and never be attacked by injuns!
(:D) Regards...
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