'da Wood

I love the woods.
forest, swamp, wetlands,
whatever you call them.
Not as a left wing extremist ECOKOOK.
As a free range HUMAN.
I grew up with basically the horizon as my yard.
Neighbors knew us, knew if we were hiking,
"those boys don't cause no trouble"
If you know my parents, you know why.
Private Property.
SCOTUS you are "PERVERSE" in your opinion.
Had to live in the filthy city,
to get ahead.
Missed 'da wood.
Lost any fear I had as a kid of 'da Wood
(Except that one time, I was a little unnerved, trailing an UFO I ran across that family of bigfoot, bigfeet, bigfoots? You know they were so NICE. gave me a salad of danderlion greens, morrels and some sort of turnip covered in a DELECTABLE elderberry dressing. I miss those good folk).
Longed for the days of wading through the creek, building forts, hunting.
My brothers always seemed to be better at this.
Looked high and low for property when the time came.
One night out we pulled in a wooded acreage for sale.
Mrs. said call NOW!
Cardinals chirp as alarm clocks.
Robin tell us the season.
A little fawn adopted us. (pics soon)
God gives us fresh wild raspberries, strawberries, apples(Though small).
The leaves come and go, with the going harder on Libby.
Hickory drop their nuts (hard hats may be required)
Toads and frogs and crickets sing us to sleep.
Hear more trains (real and electric!)
than cars or sirens or your neighbors smoking cough.
Best for Libby,
God gives Mrs. Gone
bouquets of flowers
spring to fall.
I love 'da wood
and I smile when the little chitlins walk,
bicycle, 4-wheel, motocross, ride horses,
past the house.
"the kids don't cause no trouble"
keep up the good work.
must be good parents.