There have been many interpretations of the Frankenstein novel since it was first published in 1818. The first movie on the subject was filmed by no other than the Creator of movies themselves, Thomas Alva Edison. In 1910 he filmed a silent movie which is all but lost to time. According to studio production notes, the story was "liberally adapted" and condensed, focusing on the monster's creation and subsequent rejection by its master.In this era of not so special effects, Edison used a rather unusual technique to depict the Creation of the Monster. He took a WAX Figure made to be an exact copy of what the actor (Charles Ogle) would look like and filmed it as he heated it, completely melting the wax. Then he re-filmed the footage running backwards, making it look like the Monster was forming out of liquid. Very innovative! Of course, this was Edison.
The Creature was depicted as extremely clumsy and completely dependent on his Creator. Sound familiar?
This is the Monster Liberalschism has Created.
Exhibit H.
It is unseemly to be productive. You get labeled as stepping on the downtrodden to get ahead. Born with a silver spoon firmly implanted in some orafice. Having illegally come upon success and/or wealth. The liberals don't believe anyone can do this except their elite. Only those upper crust types who go to Ivy League schools then enter the workforce with an upper management position. Superior Intellect is their right to peer down their crooked beaks at worker bee low-lifes. We should let them lead us around, provide for us. We can not be capable of success, we are not programmed for it.
This is their mantra. Keep the commoners dumb, poor, needy. Then everyday people will have to be dependent on the government. Us ignorant Creatures are only alive for their bidding. The want us alive but not to live. Not to be independent. Slaves to their ideology (idiotolgy). They want people to believe there is no other way. I'm here as living proof they are wrong.
In America you can "get ahead". You can succeed. Try working. I know that is a four letter word for alot of nincompoops.
There is nothing, save defending our borders, the government can do for you.
Get off you bloated hiney and get a job. You AIN'T gonna get 20 bucks an hour. Tell your ego this "You are not worth it, yet".
It peeves me to no end to see welfare pigs weighing in at 2 bills plus.
Maybe it is better to be a lib,minority,white trash,welfare doper,dependent......
I'll take my lifes road.
From having to wash dishes, clean the garden, mow the lawn, help around the house(including building it)working on the car and furnace, clearing land, I was programmed to work by Mom and Dad.
Now entering the workforce at sixteen I could NOT BELIEVE they PAID me to wash dishes, mop floors, cook. This was easy. I had been doing it for years with NO PAY!
Minimal wage being $3.35 at the time, I did have to work two jobs, even three for a while.
The Exhibit I will be forthcoming, but is relevant here. I DID NOT GET MY GIRLFREIND PREGNANT, WE DID NOT GET IN TROUBLE. WE WERE NEVER ARRESTED. Hell I have NEVER seen the inside of a lockup. NO I AM NOT LUCKY, SMART IS THE WORD.
This led to increasingly higher paying jobs and responsibilities. Employers in the " STEENKING CITY - thanks Kajun" were impressed by my work ethic. I was surprised, as most of the people I grew up with were no different. We all turned out to be successful. We were NOT LUCKY (I HATE IT WHEN SOMEONE SAYS THAT) Try working and not complaining.
Don't be this guy,
and teach your children a little hard work won't kill them.