The Return of the White Wolf

The wolf prowls among us. Growing larger every day. Hungry for meat.
Mans best friend.
A dogs dog, a gentledog. Well cultured.
Few canine can appreciate a finely grilled NY stip or Lobster tails. ByTor knows the difference between a low grade grocery store cut and the finest a meat market can provide.
I wish he would share.
That puppy chow gets stuck in my teeth.
He sits in the lap of luxury. Well nice laps if I may.......
Bird dog. (No comments Diablo...) Chases the fowl around like a school ground game.
Summers sudden arrival in Mitch Chee Gon has proven his Nort'n heritage.
He is up well before dawn when the cool country air is calling.
I love him.
His yips and yaps and now the deep howls,
I love him.
The throaty lonesome yelps
I love him.
So do alot of others.....
Hims a good pup
just over 6 months.
The wolf prowls.................