Location: Mitch Chee Gon, United States

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Frankenstein must destroy children

Little Maria only is enjoying a pleasant afternoon floating "Daisy boats".
When the Daisys are all gone, The Creature figures all pretty things belong in the water. To father Hans horror and grief.
- Frankenstein, Universal, 1931.
In the novel the Creature tries to silence young William Frankenstein's cries by squeezing his neck. This makes William the Fiends first murder. A new technique is established in the Fiend's repertoire.
- Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley, 1816. lib itch. good writer.
Exhibit C
subtitle " Prochoice = NO CHOICE"
"Why the Children bear the brunt of Liberalschisms self destruction."
Obviously the first example is ABORTION. While appearing to be the exact opposite of creating LIFE from the DEAD it really isn't.
We are conceived in sin. If the fetus is destroyed, the soul still exists. What happens to the soul? No chance of washing away natural sin by Baptism. No choice of pursueing faith in Christ Jesus. NO CHOICE WHATSOEVER!!
Pray GOD these souls are delivered to the loving arms of JESUS CHRIST.
But are they?
With no intervention are they consigned to hell?
This question will never be considered by the INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR.
This is meerly a medical procedure, much like Frankenstein's. The cap of the head is simply sawed off, and the brain removed by surgical suction. All left over body parts are discreetly disposed of.......
Perhaps these GHOSTS return to haunt the Fiends.?
Perhaps they stand as accusers on the final day.?
Exhibit D.
"The Hollywood desecration of the youth."
The Cultural elite has a well thought out plan. To maintain the Beast they must infuse it with new blood.
Blending the lines of traditional moral values has let loose the offspring of a hellish mating of devil and fiend.
Overexposure to sex and violence has disturbed the Abnormal brain of the American youth. Video games and access to mature themes in the media have scarred the innocence of the youth. I honestly witnessed a preteen proudly relate how good she was to her bisexual lovers. The adults in proximity were FLOORED at the nonchalance of her statements. Is this something to be proud of? What life is in store for this wretched fool?
Why have we allowed the Creature to walk among us?
The public's tolerance has turned to acceptance and now is being taught as the rule ( THANK YOU PASTOR ALAN !)
Because us Villagers are the TOLERANT. We accept people as they are. We do NOT impose our values on others. Don't speak about religion, especially Christian.....
However, we are not to be accepted and are being sought by the Fiend.
The Creature must sustain itself. With out indocorinating the youth, a fresh set of BODY PARTS will not be available to experiment with. !


Blogger Hawkeye® said...

Good post! Now where is that durned Burgermeister when you need him?

11:52 AM  
Blogger Hawkeye® said...

P.S.-- Yes, it seems like the children always take the brunt don't they? But even if we could correct all the liberal mistakes and biases immediately, there would still be generations of libs... you know, "the sins of the father" being passed on to the third and fourth generation, etc.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Libby Gone™ said...


11:58 AM  
Blogger Christopher Trottier said...

That is a really interesting post. Well, in any case, I was quite fascinated by it.

12:10 PM  
Blogger camojack said...

This Frankenstein analogy you've been working on is intriguing...

2:52 AM  
Blogger MargeinMI said...

Tim, I disagree about Dr. Frankenstein not knowing what he was doing was wrong. He just refused to face it and kept running away. The point was: he never even asked himself that question before he started, and after it was too late, was in denial to his complicity, until the very, very end when he destroyed his creation.

[Disclaimer: Sorry if I ruined it for everybody. Ummm...Rosebud! Muwahahaha!)

My take anyway.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Libby Gone™ said...

Tim had a decent point but you are correct with Victor's denial.
(wagging finger)
I repeat I DID not know I was creating a monster!
My Dad was always good at that too. Now I employ it on the chitlins!

8:30 PM  

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