Well we all knew it would happen and now the fruit has ripened. What is the next move?
The U.S.of A. Could have nuked North Korea out of existence in the first years of the 1950's. We pussed out. Now our kids get to think about "Duck and Cover".
Macarthur was right. 5 Nukes across the Yalu river. That would have impeded the yellow horde from the ChiCom regime. Although it is my opinion the Chinese Military would have sent their troops through the radioactive mire with no regard to their wellbeing.
So now the lil Kim has proven he has a nuke. I bet anyone of his subjects wishes it was a cuke. As in Cucumber. Now the starving masses can have PRIDE. Pride in the technology of communism. Big Wah. How's that tree bark taste. MMMMMMM Yumma.
From Drudge:
Long Pyongyang's chief ally, China denounced the "brazen" act, urging it to avoid action that could worsen the situation, and Russian President Vladimir Putin also condemned the test.
North Korea's announcement pushed the dollar to an eight-month high against the yen and helped shove oil above $60 a barrel. South Korea's won fell 1.5 percent to two-month lows and its main stock index tumbled as much as 3.6 percent.
The U.S. Geological Survey said it had detected a 4.2 magnitude tremor in North Korea at 10:35 local time (0135 GMT). The Japan Meteorological Agency said its data showed a tremor took place around Gifu, on the peninsula's northeast coast around 110 km (70 miles) from the Chinese border.
Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said there was no leak or danger from its test.
"The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent," KCNA said.
"It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA (Korean People's Army) and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability."
Analysts say North Korea probably has enough fissile material to make six to eight nuclear bombs but probably lacks the technology to devise one small enough to mount on a missile.
The chief of South Korea's intelligence agency told lawmakers it was possible North Korea would carry out a second test, Seoul's Yonhap news agency quoted one deputy as saying.
The lawmaker said Kim Seung-gyu, head of the National Intelligence Service, told a parliamentary committee that unusual signs had been detected at a North Korean town.
There was no consensus on the size of the North Korean blast.
A U.S. official said it could take several days for intelligence analysts to determine whether the event was the result of an unsuccessful nuclear test, a small nuclear device or a non-nuclear explosion
Apparently a Second Blast has occurred.
More from one tee'd off young American soon...........